About Us


Style of Worship

Ocean Park Lutheran seeks to be welcoming for those new to Christian worship as well as those experienced with it. Our worship style is casual, even though our service follows the four-part liturgical order of gathering, word, meal (communion) and sending. The music is a blend of traditional and contemporary selections.

What to Wear

The general attire at Ocean Park Lutheran is casual. Although some dress more formally, many adults wear jeans, t-shirts, and shorts.


Holy Communion is offered every Sunday. Like baptism, we believe that Holy Communion is a means of grace from God meant for all people. We practice open communion where all people of all ages are invited to participate, regardless of their background, traditions or beliefs. Each Sunday communion is presented as a gift of God for the people of God; therefore, ALL ARE WELCOME.

Church Year

Part of the rhythm of worship at Ocean Park Lutheran is to follow the seasons of the church calendar. These seasons have different colors and themes, which include the following:

Advent marks the beginning of the liturgical year and includes the four Sundays before Christmas. The theme is preparing for the coming of Christ and the color is blue.

Christmas is made up of the 12 days of Christmas beginning on Christmas Day. The color is white and the theme is the gift of God coming in the flesh of Christ who continues to be with us always.

Epiphany is the next season beginning on the twelfth night of Christmas. This season is about the awareness of Jesus as the Christ or Messiah and its color is green.

Lent is marked with purple beginning on Ash Wednesday. This 40-day journey focuses on the death of Jesus and its meaning for us. Lent concludes with Palm/Passion Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and ends at Easter Vigil on the eve of Easter.

Easter is the oldest celebration of the church and is marked by the color white for the resurrection light that streams from the empty tomb into our lives today.

Pentecost is the final season of the church year and lasts almost six months. The color is green to signify growth as we focus on the teaching and life of Jesus.


Being a historic and confessional church born in the Reformation, our worship follows the basic structure of the Catholic mass. Lutheran worship was translated into the common language of the people. Our current worship still uses several ancient call-and-responses between worship leader and people. These dialogues are clearly laid out in the printed worship folder and projection.


All visitors are invited to sign the guest book. Ocean Park Lutheran seeks to be a community of faith that is welcoming to all people and encourages people to participate according to their comfort level and call from God.


Pastor Louise Buckles

Office Phone: 360-665-6344