Walking with God
–Begin by taking some deep breaths. As you breath, you begin to clear your mind.-
- Breathe in: Guide me
- Breathe out: Oh God
-Continue this breathing exercise until you feel you are ready to continue.-
[Jesus Said] “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy[d] that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
Matthew 7:13-14
Because of all of the rain lately, parts of my normal path to the beach is covered in water. So as I get ready for my walk, I put on my rain boots, and put Nevada, my dog, on her leash. Nevada does not like water, so she tries to go around the part of the path covered in water. There are times that her going around the puddle involves her being on one side of a tree, with me on the other side of the tree and the leash between us. She does not realize it is easier for both of us to just go through the water.
Last week as I walked Nevada, I thought about how my walk with God is similar. Sometimes there is a person I do not want to talk with because of a conflict or misunderstanding. I will put off talking to this person. This is like when Nevada goes around a tree instead of walking through the water. The longer I put off talking to this person the more damage can be done to that relationship. There is also damage done to my relationship with God. I was reminded it is more important to take the time to talk with someone than to put it off.
- Do you need to talk with someone?
- Are you putting off doing something important?
-Please take a moment.-
-Take some deep breaths.-
- Breathe in: Guide me
- Breathe out: Oh God
God, I am glad you are there to guide us, and remind us of our call in life. You take us through the path that is best for us. Help each of us to remember that you are the one guiding our path, and help us to hear your voice when you call. Amen.